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Downloadable apps

Downloadable apps

You'll need to either set up a Google account or log in to your Google account — this is the account you use to access other Google services like Gmail. Search for the app you want to download — either by typing the name of the app into the search bar at the top of the screen, or by browsing through the apps on the screen.

Click on the name of the app and click 'install' if the app is free. The app will download and automatically be added to your menu and your home screen. If you have a lot of apps on your home screen, you might not have enough room for new apps to be displayed there anymore.

In this case, you'll need to 'swipe' across the page to see any new apps. To download an app, follow these steps: Open the App Store in your iPhone or iPad's menu by tapping on the App Store icon. First, you'll need to either set up an Apple ID or log in to your Apple ID account — this is the account you use to access Apple services.

Search for the app you want to download — either by typing in the search bar at the top, or browsing through the apps on the screen. Tap on the name of the app and tap 'get' if the app is free.

If the app isn't free but you want to download it, tap on the price. You can then add a payment method to your Apple ID and pay for the app. The app will download and automatically be added to your menu or your homescreen.

How can I tell if my device is Android or Apple? Updating apps on an Android device You can set up your phone so that apps are automatically updated as and when the updates are available. To do this, follow these steps: Open the Play Store. Tap 'menu', then 'settings'. Choose either 'Update over Wi-Fi only' or 'Update over any network'.

Updating Apple apps Apps downloaded from the App Store are updated automatically by default. But you can also update apps manually if you want to, by following these steps: Open the App Store and tap 'updates'. To update a specific app, tap 'update' next to that app, or tap 'update all'.

Looking for a computer training class? Click here to find out about computer training near you. We've brought together some tips so that you can know what to look for to keep your device and information as safe as possible: Check how many people have downloaded the app.

Next to the app in the Play Store or App Store, you can see how many people have downloaded it. If an app has been downloaded millions or billions of times, then it's likely to be safe.

Be wary of apps with only a few hundred or thousand downloads — they may not be genuine. Read the reviews and check the ratings. Each app has a user rating and reviews that you can read. Be cautious about downloading apps with negative reviews.

Read the description. Look out for spelling mistakes or anything which doesn't seem quite right. If something doesn't feel genuine, it probably isn't. Double check the source. Only download apps from reputable sources, such as the company that made the app. Underneath the name of the app, you can tap on the source, check which other apps they provide, and view their ratings too.

If you want to avoid additional costs, keep these things in mind: Be aware of in-app purchases. Some apps that are free to download have services that sit behind a paywall. Try to keep track of your spending. Once you've added a payment method to your Google account or Apple ID, it's possible to purchase apps or buy things from within an app without adding any additional information, and this makes it easy to lose track of your spending.

Click here to find out how you can avoid additional costs on Android devices Click here to find out how you can avoid additional costs on Apple devices. We've brought together some tips for freeing up storage space on your device: Delete apps that you don't use regularly.

You can do this by going to the app in the Play Store or App Store and tapping uninstall. Delete old photos, videos and messages that you don't need anymore.

It's not just apps that take up space take up space. Back up photos and videos to a 'Cloud' service , like Google Photos or iCloud. This means they're stored in an online folder so you can delete them from your phone without losing them. Want more information? Staying safe online PDF, 68 KB Making the most of your device PDF, 85 KB Sending and receiving emails PDF, KB.

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Is online banking safe? Using social media Social media and social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are great ways to stay connected — by Making your device easier to use Getting to grips with smartphones, tablets and computers can feel overwhelming, especially if you have problems with Email essentials Email is electronic mail.

Become part of our story Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. Sign up today Email address. This is where Bumble gets interesting, only women can make the first move in this app.

You can swipe through profiles from across the globe. Also, it is more than just a dating app. The users on the Bumble app can use it in three ways:.

The app is free for both iOS and Android users, but if you want extra features, then you can purchase their premium plans. There is a lot of personal information and memories lodged in it.

From remotely erasing the data on the device to playing a soundtrack to trace the phone, the app is worth the name it has. One of the most popular apps on the planet, it has more than million monthly active users , and more than million paying subscribers.

With Spotify, you will be able to listen to your favorite music from different artists across the world. You can even create your own playlist. Spotify is also one of the most loved destinations for listening to podcasts.

Founded in , Spotify generates revenues by selling premium streaming subscriptions to users and also with the help of advertising spots.

In March , Spotify was the most downloaded app on the iOS platform in the US. One of the most advanced photo editing applications, it offers extremely professional editing features. The app has more than 80 plus filters and editing tools that will make you a social media diva. The app also houses a comprehensive toolkit using which users can enhance images and videos.

You can add backgrounds to any photo or video and even format your photo so that it is in line with the guidelines of different social media channels.

Instasize is available to both iOS and Android users for free. If you would like to use its exclusive tools and editing options, then you can become a premium user. You can connect with other content creators like yourself, and be a part of the community.

You can use an app like LastPass, a password manager and password locker which saves your information. It has a master password which handles the rest of them.

With two-factor authentication like mobile pin unlocks and fingerprint login, you can certainly expect your passwords to be safe. All your passwords are saved in its cloud-based storage which is secured with encrypted security systems. The app even allows you to import data from your browsers and other password manager apps.

With almost all businesses forced to work from home, video conferencing became ubiquitous than it already was. During this time, Zoom became the most-sought after video calling app.

During the March quarter this year, Zoom added more than 1,83, enterprise customers. Zoom has a single unified mobile application for video, phone meetings, and chat.

It has a variety of features like call transfer, call forwarding, voicemail, call recording, call blocking, salesforce integration, call delegation, hold, monitor, whisper, barge, takeover, and so on. The business communication tool became the fastest growing B2B SaaS business ever.

Slack is a tool that makes communication between teams extremely facile. You can create different teams for various groups and set up your teams.

It allows for integrations with some of the most popularly used 3rd-party tools, right from Asana, Jira, Blossom, Trello, etc. Making a mobile application successful starts with selecting the right framework to develop it.

Check out this short video where our Senior Software Engineer, Sanjeev Karat explains various mobile development approaches. With more than 25 million users, there is no doubt about the fact that Todoist is one of the most popular productivity tools in the market.

It helps you keep organized. You can create shared tasks, sort them, group your tasks and even filter them. Todoist also allows you to organize your projects in a Kanban layout that makes it easy for businesses to be on top of the projects and tasks.

Most of us are busy, and when we find an article that we want to read later, it becomes one more tab on our mobile phones or laptops, never to be read again.

Even worse, it gets deleted when you clear your cache. The app is a blessing for people who want to save the articles and read all of them in a single place. You can save articles, videos or stories from any publication, app or page. Meditation apps have become the latest rage now because we cannot be more stressed out given the prevailing conditions in the world right now.

All of us are looking for an outlet that could calm our nerves and soothe our souls. It has special meditation courses for sleep, handling stress, and being mindful. Each meditation session is about ten minutes long and available in an audio format.

Headspace was an events company that held mindfulness seminars before pivoting into creating a mobile app. The health-tracking platform was developed by Google.

Its aim is to help you achieve your fitness goals with the help of customized coaching and practical tips. The mobile app has a lot of interesting features which makes it a must-have. It has a feature called Heart Points which gives you one heart point for each minute of moderately intense activity that you do.

You can monitor your progress from your phone or your smart watch. The SDK for Google Fit was released in It is one of the best money management apps for Android.

All your money related transactions like bank accounts, credit cards, bills, investments, etc. The app will automatically suggest budget amounts based on your spending history.

You can even create short-term and long-term money saving goals like reducing your debt or increasing emergency funding. Mint allows you to download reports of income, spending, debts, assets, net worth, etc. The apps that we have listed here are some of the most exciting apps in their respective genres.

There are many other apps that we cannot afford to list because of the paucity of space. You might want to find out other apps that cater to your interests as well. If you are looking for an app for a specific objective, then you can use the particular keyword on the search button and see.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. App modernization, as traditionally perceived, has predominantly revolved around technological upgrades, system optimizations, and digital enhancements. To gauge the impact of modernization efforts and ensure they're on the right track, organizations need a set of well-defined success metrics.

Discover the top 5 best practices that are essential to not just keeping your software running but optimizing its performance and ensuring it remains secure. In the fast-paced world of mobile apps, success is elusive and failure is all too common.

Discover the major factors that lead to mobile app failures and learn how to avoid them. Implementing an application modernization strategy is not only a must, but also a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to succeed in the digital age. Application maintenance is an essential investment that assures the dependability, efficiency, and overall success of software applications in today's fast-paced and ever-changing technological environment.

PWAs offer a compelling alternative to native apps for businesses looking to improve their online presence and user experience. By providing a fast, engaging, and accessible experience to users, businesses can increase engagement, improve customer loyalty, and drive business growth.

Progressive Web Applications must be your next choice because they're straightforward to create for several platforms and operate well offline.

This year, NFTs migrated to Ethereum, token standards were presented, and NFT gaming and Metaverse Decentraland entered the mainstream MANA. How will the popularity of NFT and the widespread use of these tokens shape market growth? Read on to find out. Application maintenance and support are as crucial as developing application services, if not more.

If proper processes are not set up once the application is in production, it could cost the company and put an unnecessary load on the IT team. Customers are turning their attention to mobile health apps that can help them enjoy a longer, better, and healthier lifestyle.

If you want to build a creative web app with minimum exhaustion and maximum functionality in the user experience, you should try the 10 AngularJS tools mentioned here!

This guide looks at some of the factors to consider while designing the app's architecture so that the end product is scalable, stable, and high-performing.

Top free apps · WhatsApp. Free. Free · Netflix. Free. Free · iTunes. FreeOffers in app purchases. Free · Snapchat. Free. Free · iCloud. Free. Free 15 Most Popular Apps To Download In · 1. Instagram: · 2. Duolingo: · 3. Amazon: · 4. Bumble: · 5. Google Find My Device: · 6. Spotify: · 7. Instasize: · 8 How do I download apps on an Android phone or tablet? · Open the Play Store in your phone or tablet's menu by tapping on the Play Store icon



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Bonus Bargeld

Bonus Bargeld

Apocalyptic Log : "Headcleaner III" note or "IV", depending on which release you've got. Bilingual Bonus : Bargeld has mentioned that many of the group's early lyrics rely heavily upon German language puns and idioms which are functionally untranslatable; conversely, he does the same with the band's few English songs.

Bizarre Instrument : Pretty much the point of the band from when N. Unruh sold his drum set before making a new one out of bricks and metal. Broken Record : "Weil Weil Weil" and "Hirnlego. Careful with That Axe : Blixa invoked this a lot in the old days.

Concept Album : Tabula Rasa is in one part about the horrors of fascism and in another about how wonderful women are. Lament is about World War I. Alles in Allem is about Berlin. Darker and Edgier : Alles wieder offen breaks the trend of Lighter and Softer taken by the band for its bleak and somber tone and lyrics, and Lament is also this trope since it was composed for an th anniversary World War I memorial in Belgium.

But, "galaxy cumshots"? For what it's worth, the Ende Neu liner notes say it's about the Big Bang and sex simulatenously. Early-Bird Cameo : Jochen Arbeit appeared as part of the chorus in "Was ist ist" before becoming part of Neubauten for good in Early-Installment Weirdness : The obscure album Stahlmuzik featured a traditional drum kit, but its followup Kollaps had none of that.

Both releases are known for being more intense and noisier than subsequent efforts. Everything Is an Instrument : The band is famous for using this trope almost exclusively. Gamelan-like installations, bull whips, and sandals as a percussion section; jet turbines struck like xylophones; amplified springs providing bass guitar sounds.

The band also uses traditional instruments in non-standard ways, including playing guitars with violin bows. Feminist Fantasy : "Salamandrina" details how no mythical creature -— not even the phoenix -— is as powerful as the female salamander.

Gender-Blender Name : Blixa chose his given name in part because it sounds like a female name. Genre Roulette : Neubauten gradually calmed down from the metallic percussion and noisy intensity of Kollaps in exchange for increasingly quiet conventional styles while maintaining the usage of custom musical instruments built out of found objects.

Nonetheless, they still showcase a wide range of textures. History Repeats : "Headcleaner III" ends with a warning that those who do not remember history in this case, the horrors of fascism —or who remain neutral to it—are doomed to repeat it.

Indecipherable Lyrics : Intentionally in the song "Was ist, ist. When performed live, the band relies on a choir or their audience to fill those parts of the song with words made up on the spot — or in other words, "canon" lyrics simply don't exist there.

The last minute of "3 Thoughts" is virtually incomprehensible, aside from the final line note "I don't understand why my mother is afraid of me joining a Devil Sect".

Intercourse with You : "Zebulon". Irony : Einstürzende Neubauten were known for their improvised pyrotechnic displays in the '80s. Rudi Moser, one of their current percussionists, is a former firefighter.

Lighter and Softer : The band went down this path with each single post- Kollaps album. Meaningful Name : The cover to Halber Mensch "Half Man" has half of the band's logo a cave drawing of a human scratched out.

Minimalistic Cover Art : The front cover of Kollaps consists of only the band's logo and name with a background color being a shade of brown. Many other Einstürzende Neubauten albums like Strategies Against Architecture ''83, Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala and Ende Neu have this as well, the latter using the band's name over a human's eye and skin color.

Halber Mensch is almost literally the exact same thing as the cover of Kollaps, just with a different album name and half of their logo scratched out.

Multilingual Song : Several of their songs, especially post- Silence Is Sexy , mix up English and German lyrics. Never Trust a Title : "The Willy - Nicky Telegrams" from Lament.

The title is silly; the song is a tense dialogue between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsar Nicholas II. Justified in that the correspondences the band uses as the song's lyrics are indeed known as "the Willy—Nicky correspondence".

New Sound Album : Zeichnungen des Patienten O. introduced a wider range of moods, melodies, and sounds than the generally intense abrasiveness of Kollaps, a direction taken further into detail on Halber Mensch, which was succeeded by the dark ambient of Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala.

Haus der Lüge includes elements of electronic and rock music but is less diverse than Tabula Rasa, that in turn is louder and more unconventional than Ende Neu. Silence is Sexy disposes most of the noise aspects found in previous albums in favor of restraint, resulting in softer songs.

In , Christophe covered the song for the tribute album Tels Alain Bashung. In a review that was featured in the compilation OpticalSound 3 , one reviewer praised Novice as the only Bashung album other than Play blessures that they enjoyed all the way through.

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Download as PDF Printable version. For other uses, see Novice disambiguation. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Novice" album — news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Alain Bashung. Title Writer s Length 1. Ives - Alain Bashung Title Writer s Length OpticalSound 3 in French.

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Bilingual Bonus: Bargeld has mentioned that many of the group's early lyrics rely heavily upon German language puns and idioms which are functionally Best brokerage account bonuses in March · Charles Schwab: $, $, $ or $1, (if you're referred by a friend) · J.P. Morgan Self- cash bonus N MKTG. Specialized Vocabulary. cash bonus (Bargeld als Prämie (für Kundenwerbung etc)) Browse the dictionary. English. cashback card · cash

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Cashback on car sales

Cashback on car sales

According to Cars Direct , when a vehicle has a cash back offer, consumers have the choice to take advantage of this offer or select a low financing rate.

Most consumers believe a cash back offer is worth accepting because it saves them money. The alternative to accepting a cash back offer is taking the 0 percent financing offer. If you are wondering which is a better deal, look deeper. A dealership can calculate the monthly payments for each deal, and these offers are typically nearly identical.

However, keep in mind that qualifying for the 0 percent financing offer is not easy. Only consumers with excellent credit can actually enjoy this offer.

Deciding which offer you will accept is based on your preferences and credit history. Pocket Sense explains that cash back offers are usually only available on new car purchases that are going directly to a consumer.

Incentives other than cash back are available for dealerships and on leased vehicles. One example of an incentive is a dealer cash incentive, where payments are made to a dealer during the sale of a car to cover lot costs and marketing fees.

The first type of cash back deal is customer cash, or consumer cash. according to Cars Direct. Customer cash is the money given to the customer for their vehicle purchase. This rebate is given to the customer directly from the manufacturer.

For most cash back deals, there is a specific requirement, which depends on the motive behind the offer. A loyalty customer cash deal, for example, would depend on whether or not the consumer owns an older model of the car they are buying. If you are provided with a loyal customer cash deal, you will be asked to show proof that you own, or have owned, an older model of the car you are buying.

The second type of cash back deal is a conquest deal. This type of cash back offer is a way for manufacturers to compete with one another.

With a conquest deal, you must show that you have a specific car from a competitor. In order to beat out this competitor, a manufacturer will offer a cash back offer, according to FederalAutoLoan. Honda Accord vs Toyota Camry: Comparing Sedans.

Tundra vs. Tacoma: Comparing Toyota Pickup Trucks. Honda HR-V vs. CR-V: Examining the Differences. Chevy Tahoe vs. In some cases, the rebate is large enough to cover the entire down payment. Aside from vehicle rebates available to any potential buyer, there can be special rebates such as those for people who served in the military, current students, or first-time buyers.

It is also not uncommon for rebates to be given to returning customers trading in a same-make vehicle from previous years, or switching from a competitor's model, which is sometimes called a conquest incentive. Some dealers may require the financing of the auto loan for a car purchase to be done through a captive lender in order to qualify for a rebate.

Several states in the U. view cash rebates as payments from auto manufacturers. Luckily, many states do not tax cash rebates; these states are Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Rebates may be distributed in several different ways. An instant rebate on a car is an immediate deduction off the negotiated price of the car. While it may be the ideal form because of its instantaneous application, some are in the form of a mail-in rebate from the manufacturer; they arrive as a check or prepaid credit card four to eight weeks later.

Buyers who plan on paying cash entirely upfront will only benefit from the cash rebate option. Almost all vehicle cash rebates originate from car manufacturers rather than car dealers because their goal is to further incentivize potential buyers to buy cars, usually to get rid of old inventory or to jump-start sales for vehicles that aren't selling well.

Rebates should not be confused with a dealer holdback, which is a portion of a vehicle's sales price usually 2 to 3 percent of MSRP that a dealer is allowed to "hold back" from manufacturers on a quarterly basis. When car buyers receive more favorable interest rates than usual on their car purchases direct from the dealer, not as a preapproval from an external source such as a bank , this is called low-interest financing.

A car loan at a lower rate will require the car buyer to pay less in interest during the life of the loan. In some cases, the low rate only applies to a brief introductory period such as for the first 12 months as opposed to the entirety of the loan. The calculator will not work for car loans where the low financing only applies to a limited period.

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Humour them and see how much they will come down in price if you take finance. If it's a decent amount then take the finance, but once you've › What-does-cash-back-mean-at-a-dealership “Cash Back” usually refers to a manufacturer-provided rebate — that is usually applied as a down payment at the time of purchase. If you buy a



The question is hard to answer. It almost doesn't make sense, but in the spirit of the question, sure, you can absolutely do it. Nothing about it will be easy. First the timeline, you can pull old systems from anywhere in that 14 year timeframe. PS2 was about through PS3 was about Second, the tech wasn't widely available as third party engines at the beginning of that timeline.

While they existed, engines as middleware didn't really become popular to the general population around or so. Before that, game engines were the domain and property of the largest companies.

Unreal Engine existed that entire time licensed to studios that entire time. Unreal Engine 3 was first publicly released in , which is in that time window.

Earlier than and you'll need to get other unofficial sources, but it is within your timeline. Unity has been publicly available since about , but it wasn't up to that quality able to handle the performance of games you are talking about until around or so.

Even so, you can find it within your timeline. GameMaker now GameMaker:Studio and RPG Maker both existed that entire time as engines and were publicly released the entire time. Probably your biggest difficulty would be getting both the old hardware, software, and documentation.

Hardware would probably be from garage sale specials. Modern graphics and audio hardware run quite different from old hardware. While there are emulation layers for it, the hardware behaves differently in many subtle ways. Software will be harder.

Windows and XP are easy enough to find, as are old licenses to Visual Studio 5 and 6, or Borland's compilers that were just starting to wane in popularity. The old tools generally still exist, and for publicly released tools there are digital archives of source code, old copies can be found at SourceForge and the old surviving download sites.

And once you've got the old tools, you'll need documentation. You might find it. I know old copies of MSDN exist, although I tossed all my old MSDN Library CDs and DVDs decades ago. Asking questions about the long-dead systems would be limited to groups who are active in the vintage hobby development.

Asking for help in general forums may range from hostility to exclusion unless you're clear up front why you're working on vintage, unsupported systems and with zero expectation of hand-holding.

You can find plenty of old-timers who worked on the systems and can help answer how or why things were the way they were, but probably not much more than that. Don't expect to mix old and new, though. The hardware is different, the software is different, even the programming languages are different.

C-language compilers had the C99 standard, but C89 was the language standard mostly supported back then. Even if you know what you're doing and are trying to mix old and new, it is quite difficult.

For example, trying to use older fixed-function graphics systems with modern programmable pipelines usually doesn't work at all, or requires significant processing to try to emulate. The highest tier, which calls for a 4K monitor , also requires an RTX and an Intel Core iK, as well as 16GB RAM.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a very low barrier of entry compared to most of the titles on this list. It may not run smoothly, though. The better your hardware, the higher the frame rates, the better the visuals, and the higher the resolution.

The recommended specifications are higher, but you can easily run it on a 5-year-old PC as long as you have a GTX 6GB or an RX 4GB, as well as an Intel Core iK or an AMD Ryzen 5 X. Those components may not let you play on max settings at a resolution higher than p, though.

Seeing as this game can still push even some of the latest components to the limit, the real answer here is the higher the specs, the better. Add to that at least 8GB RAM and an Nvidia GTX Ti or an AMD Radeon RX , and you can start the game. Like many other games on our list, Uncharted starts out with a modest set of system requirements.

However, that means gaming at the lowest possible settings. For 30 fps at p, the developer asks that you get at least a GTX or RX and upgrade the CPU to your Intel or AMD chip of choice — either the Core i or the Ryzen 5 X. A smooth 60 fps at p will cost you much more, including an RTX or an RX XT, as well as a Core iK or a Ryzen 7 X.

Moving on to 4K requires a beefy GPU RTX or RX XT and a decent CPU Core iK or Ryzen 9 X. Forspoken was among the first games of this generation to call for a whopping 32GB of RAM at the highest performance tier. The minimum spec requires at least an Nvidia GTX 6GB or an AMD Radeon RX XT 8GB, as well as an Intel Core i This tier also bumps up the RAM requirement to 24GB.

The PC port really needs a high-end PC to run smoothly at high settings. After multiple delays, gamers were hoping for a breathtaking experience, but the game arrived terribly under-optimized.

The game comes with a wide range of system requirements. Gaming on high settings at p will set you back considerably more, with GPU choices including RTX and RX XT. The RAM requirement also goes up to 12GB, and each tier after this one calls for 16GB. Cyberpunk claims that you can run it at 4K, on ultra settings, with ray tracing enabled, if you have at least an RTX and a Core i or Ryzen 5 Buying one of the best gaming PC deals is always a smart move but it makes even better sense to focus on some of the best places to buy a prebuilt gaming PC.

Responsible for many of the best gaming PCs around, such manufacturers tend to offer prebuilt units at a great price with the option to customize components as you please. I'm not much for PC hardware ecosystems.

You usually have to make too many hardware compromises, robbing you of the choice that's inherent in building your own PCs. Hyte, the brand best known for cases like the Y40 and Y60, has a compelling option it has cooked up for CES , though.

It's called Nexus Link, named after the Nexus software used for cases like the Hyte Y The idea is simple -- take all of the cables you'd use for power, lighting, sensors, and cooling and run it through a single connection.

These devices are all managed through the Nexus software, allowing you to control lighting, fan speed, and more. I've only given one gaming laptop a perfect score -- the Lenovo Legion 9i.

And at CES , Lenovo is making that laptop even better. There are a few big upgrades here. First, Lenovo is switching the processor to Intel's new Core iHX and, in the process, introducing the Raptor Lake refresh chip to mobile.

I suspect it won't offer a huge performance improvement over the previous version -- read our review of the desktop Core iK to learn why -- but it's still the latest and greatest.

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There may be help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government.

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Turbo Spins

Turbo Spins

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TurboSpins Casino is rated of casinos reviewed with a score of 3 out of 5 after 26 votes and it has Slots offered from 1x2gaming, BetSoft, Blueprint Gaming and 65 others with an average rating of 3. Rafael Navarro 1 month ago. I'm sorry but I have to say this that normally it should be inconceivable this casino owes me dollars since November of the year and I struggled to get them to pay me and they always promised me but now what they have done to me is block me from entering their page that is I can't even enter the page and it's only because I'm sorry but I have to say this that normally it should be inconceivable this casino owes me dollars since November of the year and I struggled to get them to pay me and they always promised me but now what they have done to me is block me from entering their page that is I can't even enter the page and it's only because they owe me my money that I earn.

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Assuming it only starts spinning at certain revs, what makes it spin? Raize 1, posts months. Pump efficiency diagrams and stuff. It's not linear. Engineering stuff.

Someone else explain it. xRIEx 8, posts months. Pretty sure it will always be spinning when the engine is on, maybe about 10K revs with the engine idling, up to K or K when it's producing full boost.

Edited by xRIEx on Saturday 2nd November kambites 67, posts months. It will always spin while exhaust gas is flowing which it always will be if the engine is running.

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Claim Bonuses

When does bonus depreciation expire? Which states allow bonus depreciation? Bonus depreciation is then reported to the IRS. What are the tax benefits of bonus depreciation?

What qualifies for bonus depreciation? Qualifying assets can include: Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System MACRS property with a recovery period of 20 years or less. This includes such property as computer equipment and office furniture.

Depreciable computer software. Water utility property. Qualified leasehold improvement property, like any improvement to the interior portion of a nonresidential building. The improvement must be placed in service more than three years after the date the building was first placed in service.

Costs of certain film, television, and live theatrical productions. Vacation property if a taxpayer uses the vacation property as a short-term rental , such as an Airbnb, etc. The passage of the TCJA created the property class known as Qualified Leasehold Improvement Property.

If the short-term rental is a commercial property and the taxpayer improves the interior of the building, it may qualify for bonus depreciation. Residential rental estate if the taxpayer conducts a cost-segregation study.

Vehicles which have a useful life of 20 years or less. Used equipment if it was not used by the taxpayer at any time prior to the acquisition.

Section has a limit on the annual deduction. Bonus depreciation has no annual limit on the deduction. Section deductions are also limited to annual taxable business income, meaning that a business cannot deduct more money than it made.

Bonus depreciation does not have this limit and can be used to create a net loss. State State Follows Bonus Depreciation AK Yes. AL Yes. AR No. AZ No. When computing Arizona taxable income, an add-back of any such depreciation a taxpayer claimed on its federal return is required.

A subtraction is then allowed for depreciation permitted under the IRC computed as if the taxpayer had not elected bonus depreciation.

CA No. CO Yes. CT No. IRC § k does not apply for Connecticut purposes. DC No. The District does not allow a deduction for bonus depreciation. DE Yes. Federal deduction is reflected in federal taxable income, Delaware's starting point for computing income, and Delaware requires depletion adjustment but not deprecation adjustment.

FL No. Florida does not conform to the bonus depreciation changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. A taxpayer may deduct one-seventh of the amount added back in each tax year, beginning with the year bonus depreciation is added back.

GA No. Georgia's IRC conformity specifically excludes IRC § k. HI No. Hawaii does not conform to IRC § k. IA No. Iowa only conformed to the additional first-year depreciation under IRC § k — bonus depreciation — for property placed in service during tax years beginning on or after January 1, Prior to January 1, , Iowa did not allow bonus depreciation for state tax purposes.

ID No. IL No. IN No. KS Yes. However, Kansas has not explicitly conformed to or decoupled from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, but it does adopt the current IRC. The starting point for determining a corporation's Kansas taxable income is federal taxable income.

A corporation's Kansas taxable income is its federal taxable income after net operating-loss deduction and special deductions for the tax year with the modifications. KY No. For property placed in service after September 10, , only the depreciation deduction allowed under IRC § in effect on December 31, — exclusive of any amendments made subsequent to that date — is allowed.

LA Yes. MA No. Massachusetts decoupled from the federal bonus depreciation provisions under IRC § k. MD No. ME No. This may be an unavoidable side effect of a major payout, but, under our marginal tax system, the higher rate will apply only to your taxable income that exceeds the relevant threshold.

What can you do to reduce your tax liability from a substantial bonus? There are several options. For example, you could invest your bonus in your k or health savings account HSA. You also could increase itemized deductions, if you claim them, by taking steps such as donating to charity.

But pay close attention to the relevant deadlines for such tax-planning moves to apply for Bonuses are an important part of rewarding employee performance, but they also raise a variety of tax issues for both employers and employees. Employers can generally deduct the cost of bonuses paid to employees before year end, assuming the bonus represents compensation for services rather than a gift.

One way to minimize the taxation of your bonus is to claim tax deductions, which reduce your taxable income. Claiming tax deductions can help you offset some of your tax liability and ultimately lead to less of your bonus amount being taxed.

That means you will pay a higher tax rate on each additional dollar you earn. Some people think they may actually have less after-tax income because of a bonus, but this is not true.

Being in a higher tax bracket does not change the rate you pay on everything you earn — only the rate you pay on taxable income that exceeds a certain amount.

Sign up to get the latest tax tips, information on personal finance and other key resources sent straight to your email. File your taxes with confidence. Your max tax refund is guaranteed. Start Your Return. Updated for tax year Your employer can tax your bonus in one of two ways — the percentage method or the aggregate method.

What counts as a bonus for tax purposes? It can be cash or non-cash. A holiday bonus is taxable, even if it is presented as a gift. Why does my employer withhold more from my bonus than my regular pay?

Qualified employers are required to claim the bonus on behalf of their employees. An employee is not able to claim bonuses independently Employers can generally deduct the cost of bonuses paid to employees before year end, assuming the bonus represents compensation for services Do you have to pay taxes on bonuses? Yes. Here's what you should know about claiming a bonus on your tax return, including how to lower your